الأحد، 26 يناير 2014

Book I read: 1984 .. (The Police State) Peace ? what peace ?

First of all, I had to think whether to write about this book in English or in Arabic, and I decided to go through English this time as this book, 1984, is telling more than a regular story, and it drove my thoughts more towards politics, regimes, and Political-Men. And since sometimes my writings are viewed by foreigners, it's better to write in the global language, which is English.

When I first saw this book on shelves, I grabbed it as its cover really attracted me, I thought it's another book talking about the Russian history or so, as the Soviet Union is my passion. But when I had it in my hands and started to read the resume in the back, I realized it's a novel, I am not into novels that much, I am really into history books, but why not giving it a try ? a historical novel.

I turned the pages of the novel to get this lovely smell of a new book, than got back to the first page again and started my trip in the ocean, the story started suddenly telling that a man called Winston is more than JAILED in his own house, and guess what ? it's because the Government !! Those words from the early beginning really attracted me to finish the book as fast as I can since I was dying to know its End.

I realized that the novel isn't telling a true story that really happened, but the words were attractive to live in the author's imagination.

This poor guy called Winston knew nothing about Freedom, it was forbidden in London (in 1984 as the author imagines) to act freely, even to think about Freedom itself, the Government was able to control the civilians' minds, feelings, thoughts, wishes, and even their sexual life. You can't ignore that the Government is the dominant party in the picture or you'll get killed, you can't have sex with your wife, only to bring kids to serve the country or don't get married, you can't wish anything else but the products that the Government supplies to you, ANYTHING away from the line that is drawn by the Government is considered a fatal mistake and you must get killed. You are always observed and spotted with those TALKING SCREENS that the Government put everywhere, those screens show what you MUST see, what you must believe and hear, and they can even hear you. If you spoke a word against the government THE BIG BROTHER will order to execute you immediately.

The story goes on until Winston reaches a point where he can't control his feelings anymore, he loved a girl, which was forbidden, love was a mistake, he took the risk and finally they were caught, put in Jail, being tortured and finally, they went out of the Jail with their minds re-programmed that the Government is EVERYTHING and you can't face it

This is briefly the story, I didn't get into full details as to leave you to read it by yourself, because you're going to enjoy it. What I really wanted to talk about is the political conditions and circumstances.

Since the early beginning of this planet we only had around 285 years of peace, which is almost 8% of the whole years the human being lived on Earth. and all of this cause of what ?

If you made a simple calculation, you'll find that more that 10 billion people lived in war because of some silly decisions made by politicians, who are almost 1% of those 10 billion innocent civilians !!

Is peace that hard ? living on the same Earth and fighting for what ? some natural resources ? If you asked for them you could have had them, why starting a war ? for some minerals ? Gold ? metals ? materialistic you are !!

Since Napoleon till nowadays, Israel was the biggest dreams of all Zionists, separating the Arabs, East from West, and taking over the Middle East entirely, just to have a clear way for India !!  But what you politicians can't deny or ignore that you created a monster that you can't control now, Israel, It can take all over the world, not only in military means, but financially, politically and every other mean you can imagine, because they can simply negotiate and convince you that you're totally wrong against their right desires.

I think we should start thinking about Peace-Building, uniting together to live and serve as one nation, this mean life won't change the fact that at the end we'll have the same destiny. We should think about poor people with their harsh living conditions, those innocent kids that were left homeless cause of war, the mothers that lost their sons,


this isn't the end, it's just the beginning, there's a lot to say and tell, but we should start by our own selves, Enough wars and destruction, enough budgets spent in the air, enough bombs and blood, enough dominating Governments that know nothing about our wishes and desires,


تراكمات الزمن .. بصمات وعلامات

في الأول كنت متردد ايه الإسم المناسب للمقالة دي .. لحظات لا تنسي ؟ علي مر الزمان ؟؟ لا لا كدة هتقلب مسلسل تركي مدبلج !!

المهم, للأسف كان اختيار الإسم صعب وتوصلت لأكثر الكلمات وضوحاً اللي ممكن تساعد بقدر كبير ان القارئ يفهم مغزي الموضوع

الكلام برده في حد ذاته صعب جداً خصوصاً لما تحب القارئ يتوصل لإحساسك, الإحساس الصعب دة اللي هو مش ممكن تجد له كلام بسهولة

أي حد فينا مهما كانت المرحلة السنية بتاعته, عنده هذه العلامة او البصمة الل علي طول بتخليه يفتكر حاجة من الماضى, للأسف بيكون معظم ال بنفتكره حزن, ويبتدي السؤال .. ليه ؟ إشمعني أنا ال حصل فيا كدة ؟ أنا معرفتش أعيش طفولتي ؟ طب هو في أمل إني أبقي مبسوط قدام ؟؟ وبعد كدة تتراجع عن كل الأفكار دي وتقول لا بقي أنا لما أكبر هعمل كل حاجة أنا كان نفسي فيها وأبسط نفسي علي الآخر !! وبعدها مرة واحدة تتصدم  بإقتناع ان في حاجات فعلا ماينفعش ترجع ولا هتلاقي ال يبسطك بنفس الطريقة, إذا كان الموضوع حاجة مادية أو نفسية أو شخص توفي إي رحمة الله مثلاً

ساعات كتير تبقي قاعد في حالك وتفتكر مثلاً الشقة القديمة ال كنت عايش فيها قبل ما تنتقل للمكان الجديد, ذكريات الطفولة واللعب وسريرك كدة والحيطة ال لازق عليها كام بوستر لكام مغني وان دة احلي ممكان ممكن تنام فيه في العالم وتعمل مقارنة بسيطة مع بيتك الجديد, انه اه حلو وأوسع وألوان مودرن, بس عمره ما هياخد مكان بيتك القديم وغرفة النوم ال كانت زي معسكر بتاعك بأسلحتك والعدة بتاعتك

الصور .. علي طول مثلاً لما حد مع عيلتك يجي من السفر ويزورك في بيتك, تلاقي من أشهر الحركات ال أمك ممكن تعملها إنها تجيب ألبوم الصور وتبتدي رحلة الذكريات, كام صورة جميلة في النادي وانت بتتزحلق ومبسوط, لازم صورتك وانت بتستحمي كالعادة المصرية وشوية شوية تلاقي صورة ال بتجيب دموع الناس اللي قاعدة كلها, كبير العائلة او عم أو خال, وسكت الكل ويبتسم والكلام يكمل بس كله من جوة حزين ومشتاق وكلمات تترد في داخلنا, الله يرحمه والحمد لله

في حاجات ممكن تكون أعمق لك من الصور, أصل انت كنت صغير وبتلعب, مش فاهم ايه الصورة دي ولا فاهم يعني ايه انك تفقد لعبة أو شخص,  تبقي بتفتح درج المكتب مثلاً او بتنزل الهدوم الشتوي, تصادف في الطريق طقية من بتوع جدك, طقية الصلاة, ريحة جدك فيها, طرحة جدتك, إزازة خمس خمسات فاضية بس كنت يتشتريها وتبعها لأهلك في البيت وعامل الكوتشينة كأنها عملة. هتصادف خمسة ساغ قديمة في الحصالة كانت من جدك, كتاب, نوتة من الشركة, قلم, شريط كاسيت ..

في حاجات مش بتكون عند الناس كلها, حاجات أعمق بكتير 100 مرة, جروح, مش شرط نفسية, ملموسة أو بتشوفها بعينك في المراية, ممكن واحد شكله مش زي زمان, حالة من الإكتئاب وبقي طخيب, أو رفيع, مريض أو مش موزون, حركة عصبية بعينه او رقبته, تشنجات .. ممكن جرح, إصابة, كسر, كل دة من تهور من الأهل أو حادثة أو حتي هو اللي عمل في نفسه كدة من الحزن !!

في أشخاص ممكن تشوفها تبقي كاره عيشتك, ممكت تصادف ناس يبقي نفسك تتكلم معاهم ولو مرة, بس دايماً في حاجز من تراكمات الزمن,