الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2015

How to get noticed on LinkedIn ?

Having an account on LinkedIn is more than easy these days, specially when we are now familiar with the social media sites these days. But HEY ! LinkedIn is totally different than Facebook and what-so-ever familiar sites. You don't have to go premium or spend money to get noticed on LinkedIn, you can follow some simple steps, stated below, from my humble point of view, those info were gathered by listening to really professional managers in my space, some friends, and some of my points that I noticed since i had my LinkedIn account a year ago.
The below points are so simple to follow and were written in order to help others and share the humble knowledge i gained the last couple of month.
LinkedIn is not your Facebook account:
LinkedIn is totally different from Facebook, the latter one is purely a site designed for social media, sharing pictures, knowledge, random info, your status, sickness, getting married or divorced, LinkedIn is designed to be social also but in your professional and career life.
So, what to share ?
you need to be available on LinkedIn as powerful as you are on Facebook, you don't just share some random content, think for a moment, for example you were in Finance major in your college years, why not sharing some topics related to finance and the monetary funds policies ? the Financial crisis in Greece ? and remember, you don't just share those topics just to be available, you have to read, to discuss, to study, and what is most important is to have a point-of-view, as for example, your manager might comment on this topic, and not just your manager, you colleague, a well known business man in your circle, you must be ready to answer the question and be able to go through the discussion, this will show how powerful or at least how you're acting and doing your best to be available in your field, how you have interests other than work and your career, a different culture.
You might share some quotes for some professional leaders, some well knows businessmen, as a kind of motivation and some info and knowledge that might really help your colleagues.
Don't Randomly add people:
you are always doing your best to keep your Facebook account clean from spammers and random people, why not having the same criterion in your LinkedIn account ? Simply, don't just accept random connection requests from people you don't know, on LinkedIn specially, you are more powerful when your circle of connections is small but powerful, having a number of well known or your co-workers is so much better than having 1000 connections from people you don't even know, this will make your account even weaker, keep it professional and only accept the connections that you know,
who else to add ?
you might some day go through a conversation with a manager in another company on a certain post on your page or related to a certain event that took place in the financial world like Greece case for example, in that case, you may through private messages and then add this person to your connections, what i mean is, never run after well known people and famous ones and just adding them, in most cases they won't accept your connection request or you will be just an ordinary person like 10,000 other connections on their profile, unnoticed and unnecessary that will be sooner or later deleted or removed when this person decides to clean out his profile or account. Work hard to be noticed with a different and good point of view, to take a good place on somebody else's account or profile.
Get connected to your work place and co-workers:
one of the most important points you should take into consideration when working on your profile, is writing clearly your position, for example "Senior Accountant at X Accounting Office", or whatever position at a certain company, your company name should capitalized, and don't write abbreviations in your title, keep it simple but yet clear for other people to have an idea about your role.
You should also add the people in your workplace, like your manager, your colleagues, your team mates, and always connect your positions and previous experience to your company group or site, as this will make it powerful and noticed rather than just writing that you were an X-accountant and that's it.
Your group of connections and your company name will gave your the strength, as when somebody checks your profile, those points will be eye-catching and not just titles.
LinkedIn is not your Curriculum Vitae:
You should always write briefly and in order your past experiences whatever they were, but what the most important is to write in points what were your main roles and responsibilities, and remember, don't just write points or tasks to fill down the gaps as this might put you in a weaker position when going through an interview, write honestly your roles and main tasks with simple and easy words, as you can notice, most positions posted on LinkedIn, have a number of statements and points threading down the main task-list of the offered roles, this how the recruiters will also read your profile, in terms of simple and short points that are really clear and straight to the point.
Put some sugar:
one of the good things and steps you might take, is adding briefly your hobbies and activities that you were doing in your college times, like hiking or scouting for example, don't write to much in this section, just small short hints that you are  a person that has other activities other than studying and your work time, as a lot of companies worldwide are not talking about work-life-balance and how people should work and also spend times their families, other companies are looking for funny or adventures people, don't only show yourself in that workaholic suite or that miserable person that has nothing to do but working and collecting money
A good picture is required:
The recruiters will really like to know the shape and face of the profile owner, a good picture with your suite or vest will do the work, don't put a picture with your friend or brother, it's your profile ! Don't also put  a picture on the beach or one with your dog, remember that this picture will draw the first impression the HR in any company will get, so don't mess it up and keep it professional
Watch your language !
Don't ever write what you don't know, and also, keep your phrases short and simple and also, to the point. Revise your posts and comments before posting them, specially the ones you post in another language than your mother tongue. This point is so critical as it will show how fluent you are in the languages you speak, so watch your language and write your words carefully.
Your projects and courses:
This what will add a cool taste to your profile, writing your projects in a separate section on your LinkedIn profile. For example, you created a tool to calculate the ROI in a very quick way, a macro file on the excel using visual basic for example. those powerful projects will show how innovative and creative person you are, another thing is adding the courses your attended like CMA/MBA and that kind of things, not just to show the titles, but show you are still taking care of your studies and how are you actually taking a step ahead of other people.
Share your blog or your website:
you might having  a blog where you write your thoughts, or a certain website where you create some cool things or share some trips or your garage on the internet, it will be so perfect if you share the link of those sites to the public so people can know more about your hobbies and activities.
How to contact you ?
After this large amount of info about you on your profile, you can never forget writing your telephone number or your email, else wise, your profile on linkedIn is useless, keep on your profile your available telephone number with your country code, also check your inbox frequently to have the chance to reply quickly on any offers you might get.
Those are some important points, from my point of view, to have in any LinkedIn account to keep it simple and professional, and I would be delighted if you, as a reader, add other points to the above ones by commenting on this post, this will keep the other readers posted with the latest information on how being professional,

Thank you for your time and interest in reading,
Mohamed Shohayeb

How to sell yourself ?

One of the key and major problems candidates have when applying to a new a job, is that they really don't know what they want. Do they need a higher salary ? Being a manager and a senior ? A prestige from the new post ? Being part of a well-known company and that's it ?
The idea about this article is to list a number of humble advises collected from discussions with professional managers and also a number of cases I witness in real life. Each one will be presented with a title and small example to picture the idea we are talking about.
** The College part: 
When you're still a student, studying is not the full equation you must solve, there a large number of other things you must do to start having a good career when you graduate. One of the most important steps you must take when being in college is having a number of internships at well-known or good places, I know you will always feel frustrated and upset, you won't totally enjoy your summer vacation and time with your friends, but believe it or not, this is how you will perfectly enjoy all the upcoming summers in the future. When applying a new post at a company or a bank for example, the interviewer would pick up the bright shinny candidate in front of him (Will talk about it in a separate point), one of the key criteria the interviewer will focus on, is that time the candidate will take as a training period, induction and introduction to work, being through internships before will help being different in that point, you won't start from scratch like the others, you might have from 5-10% knowledge about the field of your studies or at least about corporate or banking life for example, and that means, shorter training and induction time which would make you ready to get the job early. From other side, your side we mean, is that you won't have the normal shock every fresh graduate has when going through the transition period from being a student to being an employee, you will be somehow familiar with the environment, how people talk, think and act, the desks, computers and programs they might used, for sure you won't be 100% cool and ready, but at least you have an idea about how life will go from now on. In short, having internships will help you a lot to make you ready for the transition period and also it will be a very good mark on your C.V
** The Interview: 
A lot of candidates think about how they look in the interview, and the large bulk of paper they will print as data about themselves, and totally forget about what they will say and face from the interviewer. This part will be split into a number of sub-points 
1. First of all, your look, if you're a fresh graduate, the interviewer won't ever expect you to wear a Gucci suite for example and perfumed with the most expensive fragrances, hey !!  You're still a fresh graduate !! All you must care about is looking good in a humble suite, and most importantly, comfortable and cool with what you are wearing. The look will matter in the future, for example if you were a director in X company and applying to a CEO position in Y company, your look will be questionable a lot in the interview, the board will check every single detail in your suite to be sure they chose the right person for the image of their company, but as a fresh graduate, it's very known you still get your pocket money from your parents, and you don't have to wear those expensive suites to attract the interviewer
2. Second, as we mentioned, stay cool, there's nothing to be afraid of and keep the idea of being accepted or not aside, just deal with the interviewer as one of your uncles, a good conversation about yourself, your past experiences and your dreams, and the most important thing, just smile, don't turn into that desperate kid that needs a job, a good humble smile will deliver your comfort feeling to the interviewer and he or she might be pleased to go to a good conversation with you.
3. Don't be a smart A**, never show that you are the irresistible candidate that the company would die to have, or the most handsome kid on earth or the son of Einstein, as we mentioned above stay humble and cool. You must stay calm when going through the conversation and be careful what you say, the interviewers and companies don't like that kind of candidates, at the end, you're just an ordinary fresh graduate to them and believe me they have a number of analysts inside that would convince you never existed before or ever went to college
4.Don't be so desperate for the salary, some people all they care about is the package they will receive, believe me that's not the most important criteria to die to know, it's a combination of number of things. For example, aside the package, what's the experience you will gain from such a position ? The working environment in X company ? Your career progression ? The Company's Goodwill and reputation ? You won't only measure the company's welfare by how much they pay you, and never show that the salary is the only thing you care about, for example, a good engineer or a line supervisor won't be experienced (or get the higher salary) without getting his hands dirty on the machines in a factory or a workshop, for instance, how will you be a supervisor on a production line when you don't know how this line operates ?! So think smart, and imagine the whole picture from above so you can decide whether to apply or take the job or not.
5. Let them want you ! Contradiction comes here, how to make company X want you and at the same time, not being the smart a**, that's simple, follow all the above steps. Stay cool and comfortable, smile every now and then and show how you're proud of sitting on your chair, share your thoughts and imaginations about the bright and sustainable future for example, a couple of ideas about improvements won't hurt, and of course, a well prepared CV.
The C.V:
The larger it is, the most attractive it is - Said by .. we don't know. Don't believe in those words anyway, because they are totally wrong, the recruiters receive tons of CVs by mail and e-mail every single day, what will make them leave the big package and jump to your CV ? Simple ! A good looking picture or yours, your past experiences list in clear short points, and your hobbies and education. Never write about the big fish you caught in Africa when you were travelling with your daddy, just .. Fishing ! Never mention company X that died when you left them after the last internship and how you reformulated their P&L with the simple excel sheet you created, because it simply didn't. Just give hints about what you've done in last couple of years, and believe me they will question you the rest on the interview.
Your footprint:
That's a good point for you, and it's quite simple, don't be an ordinary employee going everyday at 7 am to work with eyes closed, your coffee in your right hand and the laptop in the left one, the routine kills, believe me. Always think differently, how will you finish your job early so you can develop a certain program ? what about sending a file in a different easier format ? reformulation of the job description of your post ? that's sounds interesting. Never turn your job into routine and always try to leave a footprint, enhance and improve in the tasks you're handling, that's what will really help you in the near future regarding your career progression. And as a fresh graduate, always show how you are willing to improve the job you will get, and be a fresh eye in your place that's seeking to make things better.
Those were a number of points that I believe will help in the start of the career timeline as a fresh graduate, another one will be wrote to cover the same topic but as an employee already,
Thank you,
Mohamed Shohayeb 

الخميس، 5 فبراير 2015

How to deal with your manager ?! (From a humble perspective of an employee in the harsh capitalistic system)

it's been a long time since i wrote my last post on my blog , maybe because i am that kind of writers that don't write just to have something written or having an article on the internet and that's it, i prefer the observation, the analysis and then getting the conclusion in my post,

And this article specifically took the most effort to get written and come to life, I won't state that the following words are new, and I ensure that God didn't send me an angel with the secret of dealing with my manager, the article took so much effort not just to be written, but to live the days and always observe almost every single reaction of the employees around me at work, a lot of side talks with more professional colleagues or older ones that dealt with different types of managers,

in the below words i will thread a number of types of managers and how to deal with them, from my own point of view, and stating the example in familiar and local words not in academic form or a written comprehension,

Let's scroll down for the list !

1.Mr. Always Right !

I preferred starting with this type of managers as it's one of the most common types in our fancy world. You will get employed in a humble or famous company or bank, finding this guy sitting in his fancy office or on his large desk staring at your files with totally no reaction on his face (maybe the meh! emoticon from facebook), and after a while, even if your files, decisions, mails are right, he will find a way to prove you wrong, you may reply on a mail with a number of managers of your company listed in the thread and he can easily ignore your reply and state the contrary by replying on the original mail, you can prepare a file to get the value X of a certain financial study, but he just doesn't like the color of the headers in the file, he may judge your appearances that you are not well dressed or your shirt is not in his favorite color, he won't accept the argument with you, and he won't give you a damn single chance to beat him, and he will always refer that you're breaking the hierarchy if you stood to argue him,

RELAX BUDDY ! You can never argue with this type, the most professional solution with this type of managers is to perfectly believe what he says and actually implement all his solutions and commands, till he one day believes that he is the real fool one, he will feel annoyed and weird that you don't argue. He's totally waiting for you to start a conversation with him as it is his pleasure proving you wrong, don't give this chance, don't make him satisfied, just ignore him by making his orders into action till he feels creepy

the previous type of managers does really exist but in two forms, the first one with strong personality that he will always command you and give you orders for you to implement, or the one with the weak personality that will only go into conversation with no action from his side, in this case, just go on with your own solutions and decisions, just agree with him in terms of words like OK and sure, and do whatever you are seeing true and right.

2.The lazy boss:

You may face in your career time that kind of lazy boss, but I will also state other types like the weak personality boss and the "why don't you do it yourself" boss, because the 3 of them have the same criteria and conclusion at the end. The Lazy boss is the one that has the moisture and clean hands, he doesn't want to get his shirt dirty, only giving orders and acting as everything is under control. and weak personality boss is the one that can only shout to you, but leaves all the dirty work and mail replies to you, putting you in the war zone and in the face of the great canon, along with the "why don't you do it yourself" boss, the one that whenever a new idea pops up in the team, leans at your desk and tell you "Why don't you do it yourself John!!" as if he is testing your abilities and your know how in the field you are working, but actually he's just throwing all the work in your to-do-list and leaves to catch dinner with his wife or have an outing with his kids or girlfriend

This is your right place and time to shine big time !! Those kind of bosses are well known of their laziness and weak personalities, no matter how they fight to make themselves look better in the company, they will totally fail. So, here you are, the chance to work hard, to show your creativity, your replies to the mails, your decisions and so on that he, as your manager, should have taken it. Shine like a start between your colleagues and other employees, and make yourself ready to move to a better place or get promoted. This type of managers will indirectly help you having an A grade in your CV, as the higher management will always state that you are the one that was actually doing EVERYTHING !

Don't get in the mood of laziness as your manager, this will totally affect your future career and your goodwill in your field of work, always go hard to fight him indirectly with your performance and up to date decisions.

3.No-social life boss:

There are always that kind, in a way or another, found in every organisation, that manager or boss that seems like not having any life outside the company or bank for example, starts working since the first steps he walks from the door, till the those late hours of night, with no evidence or clue that you're leaving on time, since he will always throw work to you,

Unfortunately you must perfectly act in a professional manner with this kind of managers, you must meet all his expectations, that you are a hard worker, that you can stay to late hours, that you actually don't have a life with no caring to anything except your work, This way, he will feel pleased, you may  be his favorite employee in the team.
BUT ! You must be professional in dealing with him, not just staying as a puppet in his hands, since the moment you walk into the office, go and meet him, offer him a cup of coffee, and then start sucking out all the tasks, needs and to-do-lists that could be ever found in his head, all his dreams, wishes and thoughts that could ever take place in his mind, than go back to your desk, start building your own to-do-list, and then, priorities the tasks needed to be accomplished in your day, but hey, this is not the solution anyways. You are requested to STRETCH your time, be professional, since you are anyways staying to late hours of night, why stressing out yourself and putting yourself under pressure since the early morning ? Finish first the priorities on your list, and then, divide the remaining tasks on the hours left, the hours at which he feels ready to leave, maybe at 10pm+, if a task takes from 30 mins to 45 mins, why finishing it so early ? when you can stretch the time and finishing in a couple of hours, you're staying anyway, so always have that common sense of time management, and here you are, maybe not totally satisfied since you are staying to late hours, but at least you are not under pressure or tired

Don't show your trick to your boss, don't let him feel that you are slow in your performance, act like you're working with a serious face while you are checking facebook or something, this is the real deal brother. But remember, you must always stay awake and alerted, because if he suddenly picked up a task from your "not-important" list and asked for it immediately, you must be attentive to finish it on time, you must always meet his deadlines ! So take your rests, work slowly under cover, but with the eye of the tiger, it's a war zone with red code, dead or alive !

if you woke up someday, tired, feeling ill or dizzy, whenever you meet him in the early morning, start your day by stating that your grandmother is not feeling so well, to make him note down that your will leave early, or at least in a reasonable time, and go have fun brother, but don't be silly, have fun under cover as your grandmother is sick, remember ! Be professional in your disasters and problems, and always pick the right time to throw your excuse and jump behind the sand bags to get into cover from the explosion.

4-The Let's do it !! Boss:

This boss has his good and bad sides on you. He is the one that will always be on your side, will always help you building files and models, will get all the creativity and suck the thoughts from your head, it's really good having this kind of managers as you will feel appreciated, not financially for sure, but at least someone is hearing your ideas and putting them into work

Don't be silly and fooled by your boss, his help or support. If you, for example, suggested to build a certain file, he will take a decision to start it immediately, so how will you run out of this situation ?
Boy, if you for example leave work at 5, never be creative after 2 pm ! in this case, you will stay up to late hours to make your creativity and ideas come true, why not just leaving those daydreams till the next day and stating them in the early morning so you can leave peacefully when the bell rings ! This how you deal in those kind of situations, know the exact time to spill out your ideas, when and where, the most two important criteria when you state what's up on your mind,

Another thing is, regarding the when and where, and also how to offer and sell your idea ? You cannot, for example, state an enormous idea that will make the company save money on the phone, or in the middle of another meeting that has no relation with your topic, nor when your manager is on his nerves from whatever thing, choose the right time to state your idea, and the right place too, for example, why not picking his cigarettes time ? and let him think by his own ? Know what, the better thing is to actually start building your model and file, and then, when you are almost 70% done, go and ask for his help, in that case, he will feel that you are creative and his best team member, and also appreciated, that you can't make those things get real without his help, BINGO !

5-I am the one:

This is a sneaky one, the boss that always finds himself that nothing will go right without his intervention or comments,

Do your work perfectly in your own manner and way, but, never forget him, HOW ? When you are for example done with a certain exercise, go and ask for his commentary so you can send the exercise with his comments attached, he will feel appreciated and under the spot light. When you feel free, act as you don't know something regarding the exercise you are working on, and ask him to explain it, even if you perfectly know it ! Give him his prestige, the stars and celebrities feeling so you can let him get all his energy out, and then he will automatically shut his mouth up !

Don't always act as he is a fool, as sometimes, his commentaries and suggestions will be so helpful and to the point, that may really help you on your future cases !

6-I did it !

We all don't want having a boss of this type, the one who, will always refer the effort to himself, as if he's the only one that worked among the team. You may work on a certain project that gets out a lot of benefits, and at the end, he will state that the project was his own, because you were just one of his team !

Be professional, whatever the project you worked on, keep its details in a dark place, as whoever went to ask your manager about your project, your manager by consequence will come and ask you about it, don't give him the full know how, don't let him take all the credit, keep the keys of power in your hand, Document everything, and state in your mails and communications the points that will indirectly deliver the message that you are the real owner of the project, Keep him aligned, with a general idea about the function, but the technicalities, it's your thing !

Those were just example of some types of managers that we may face in our career life, they seem  they are almost bad managers, all of them, but I found it better to state the managers that we should deal with them "PROFESSIONALLY" if you, as a reader, want your career to go fast forward with no interruption,

Wait for the next article containing other types of managers, but after another phase of observation !!

Thank you,
Mohamed Shohayeb

الجمعة، 6 يونيو 2014

The world without technology

I didn't write in my blog since a long time, maybe because I intended to stay a while away from the Internet and its miserable life, maybe because I can't share my posts anywhere anymore, so I decided to get back this time with a deeper post that the one I wrote about the world without Facebook or Whatsapp.

Since the early beginning of the 20th century and specifically after the world war II, the world started changing and taking another turn towards modernization and life interrelated with technology, how to explode a bomb from far away, how to fight with another country without even taking your army to the enemy's territory, all those ideas about wars, global destruction and so on led governments and politicians to think about technology and how its impact may help destroying your enemy and never hear about it again. Others took the technological path but in a much way better manner, they tried all their best to turn life into more tech-oriented, like clapping your hands to turn the lights on, turn calculator to a digital one and also to perform multi-linear functions in a click of your finger, they were also seeking to turn televisions into more bright and colorful sets, to entertain people and make them enjoy the time they spend at home, turning into cars and how the gadgets started turning digital, how a car can spot the deer crossing the road at late night with the infra-red camera, all those ideas where just dreams and craziness until they came to real life, moving on with time till we reached the birth of the computer and portable phone.

Since the 70s and 80s we started to make rough calculations on the computer and also have a soft and hard copy of the information we were calculating, we started using phones while crossing the streets and on the plane, we started having a tool to talk to our families while being on a camp or in the desert enjoying the sun and fire at night. All people thought that this is the highest peak of technology and that all inventors and freaks stopped working as nobody imagined that technology could go further and more tools get created and go intro production. Till one day the world started taking a decision to connect all these computers and mobiles using a net, called the internet, how you can communicate with a cool girl in Russia without even leaving your apartment in Uganda, you can even access your computer left at work from the computer your have at home, inventors didn't have enough, till they started creating smartphones, having all the data on your computer between your fingers in a very small handy tool, you can let go maps, cassettes, camera, radio, calculator, computer and so on as you have a smartphone replacing all those products.

Technology was invented to be helpful to mankind and turn complex situations and calculations to easy ones, till the day they started Facebook, twitter, Whatsapp, Hi5,

all those sites were new ideas to the mankind, how can I chat while watching a video, sharing a post, and listening to a song on a single site ? how communication got to easy, even easier than the days we had the MSN messenger, that chatting tool that really impressed the world is an old classy one today, it is not cool anymore as facebook and twitter.

Let's forget about history and that long introduction, and start getting deeper into the main idea with a list of simple facts that I bid they are all real,

Does anybody care about calling you anymore when you get offline on whatsapp or your were last seen 10 days ago ?

Does anybody care about the way look, felt sick or depressed without sharing a post of Facebook ?

Can anybody know that your grandmother passed away, your leg got broken, you lost all your contacts, you hit your car without updating your Facebook status ?

Do you even read or watch videos without logging in to Facebook and checking your newsfeed ?

Can you travel and stay from the internet more than a couple of days ? running fast to hit the online button when you come home from a long trip ? You can't wait to see who posted on your wall, and then get depressed that you got nothing as people forgot as you were offline.

Does anybody remember your birthday without checking facebook ? Only your family, best friend and maybe your teacher will, but nobody else as you don't have a facebook account or deactivated it for any reason.

You always state the boring time you spend with your parents when traveling or camping, maybe cause the internet is not working on your Iphone ? and then feel depressed when your mom or dad pass away, feeling guilty that you didn't spend enough time with them before they day, because you were just chatting with the group to stay connected and cool enough for a hot girl to notice you.

Facebook, whatsapp and all those communication tools took more space than we all imagined, they were just invented to turn messaging and chatting easier and in a cooler way, but we didn't know how to use it, till the shareholders of that monster called Facebook knew how to invest more and turn Facebook into addiction, and maybe, a drug.

You are just a point in a virtual life, that is not even real, you didn't even exist without Facebook or whatsapp, nobody with hear about you if you are offline, nobody will search and look for or after you. You see life through walls, they high-dam in Egypt, the great wall of China, and even the new park across your block only through pictures posted on blogs and facebook, you don't move anymore or take any step to explore life and be part of the change, to travel the world or even your city and country to see new and cool places, you don't even workout even though you enjoy watching those fitness videos on youtube, you got stuck in your bed between the comfy pillows and have no more interest to get out of the circle, you are dead.

I deactivated my Facebook account, deleted my whatsapp account, normally i felt lonely in the early beginning but now I am feeling better, I am doing a lot of things that i didn't find time for as i was spending plenty of hours chatting with fake people and checking some silly pictures to like and share, I knew the real friends who respect me and ask about me regularly, I know how to use the internet more effectively, how to search for new ideas, new information about our world, science, history and so on.

I've only got my blog now, I know that those words won't reach even a slight percentage of the number of readers i used to have on facebook, but i am feeling better, and I will always share my ideas till i form a new group of better thinkers and thankful people,

Try deactivating your account for a couple of days, I am not convincing you to delete it, but try life as the old school type,

Take me back to the 90s :)

الاثنين، 28 أبريل 2014

جعلتني متحرشاً

السطور القدمة كلها كلام حقيقي من حكاوي قهاوي, سائقي تكاتك, مشاريع, بوابين العمارات, شباب الكليات والمقال ليس للسخرية أو الدفاع عن المتحرشين:

انتشرت في الفترة الأخيرة ظاهرة التحرش بطريقة غريبة في مصر, ممكن يكون السبب تسيب أمني, إنفلات أخلاقي, بس الحقيقة المرة ان البلد هي السبب في الظاهرة دي أو علي الأقل من أهم العوامل التي ساعدت علي انتشار المرض الخبيث عند معظم الشباب أو أكثرهم

ظاهرة التحرش نابعة عن كبت جنسي رهيب بين شباب جيل اليومين دول, الشاب بينزل من البيت وأول ما يشوف بنت بيحس بالحرمان, يتلذذ بالنظر لجسم البنت دي, أو ملامح وجهها, وساعات الموضوع بيكبر انه عايز يلمسها, يحس جسمها دة عبارة عن ايه ؟

فكرت كتير في الموضوع ووضعت نفسي مكان المتحرش دة, ايه الممكن أفكر فيه ؟ لقيت ان في عوامل واسباب كتيرة أوي لإحساس الحرمان والكبت اللي عند الشاب المصري خصوصا الطبقة المتوسطة وما تحتها, ممكن يكون أغلبها بسبب الحكومة ؟ تضخم الأسعار ؟ التخلخل الأمني والسياسي في البلد ؟

مسكت حالة لشاب معدوم من الناس اللي بتتحرش, هتلاقي الموضوع مادي بحت, انا كشاب مصري, مش لاقي أكل, ولا معايا فلوس كافية إني أصرف علي نفسي حتي, مافيش شقة ولا عربية ولا مهر ولا شبكة, هتجوز إزاي ؟ هعرف أمارس الجنس عادي في الحلال ؟ طبعاً لأ ,, خصوصا في الظروف اللي احنا فيها الناس اللي بتصبر علي فرج ربنا يتعدوا علي الصوابع, هبتدي انا كشاب في الحال دة أفرغ الطاقة والكبت اللي عندي إزاي ؟ أتحرش

تعالي علي موضوع تاني غير ظروف الحياة والمعيشة في مصر, في السلاح اللعين اللي محدش عارف قيمته اساساً, التعليم, التعليم سلاح ذو حدين, يا تستفيد منه انك تنور عقول الأطفال عشان لما يدخلوا سن المراهقة أو يكون سلاح دمار شامل يطلع جيل فاقد الهوية, وللأسف عندنا مافيش تعليم من أساسه, احنا كل حاجة بنهتم بالقراءة والنصوص والنحو والكلام العلمي بس, بس انك تعلم الأولاد أخلاق أو قيم او عادات وتقاليد طيبة ف دة شئ مش موجود اساسا, الولد بيطلع حافظ النص بس مش فاهمه, دروس القراءة بتتكلم عن قصص قديمة فانية ولا ليها أي دعوة بمشاكلنا العصرية, مناهج قديمة بالية, وتيجي ما تنزل بالمستوي في القري والأرياف المصرية في المدارس العربي والكتاب, هتلاقي تعاليم ان جسم البنت حرام وإزاي ولد يقعد مع بنت ويوصل الموضوع لضرب الولد بالعصاية لما يكلم بنت, بيبني الكلام دة حالة من الكبت وبعد كدة حالة من الحشرية, ليه جسم البنت حرام وليه ماينفعش أقعد معاها؟؟

من المشكال اللي حصلت وبتحصل فعلاً مثال البنت في فيلم "بحب السيما" لما كانت تدخل الحمام مع الأولاد عشان تقلع قدامهم .. هما أصلاً مش فاهمين حاجة, بس محدش فيهم متعلم صح ولا ليه كدة حرام, واسلوب التعنيف بيخلق عند الولد حاجة انه عايز يستكشف ويجرب بنفسه, لما يكبر وهو مكبوت ومش متعلم وبيضرب عي إيده عشان جسم البنت هيعمل ايه ؟ هيتحرش

من أهم العامل كمان البيت والبيئة اللي الولد بيطلع منها, في ناس علمت نفسها بنفسها في القري كمان ولامدرسة ولا اي حاجة بس الفكرة الأهل ناس كويسة ووصلوا رسالة شريفة واضحة للأبناء, في أهل بيعملوا حركات امام عيالهم لا تصح ولا تنفع, إيحائات أو تلميحات جنسية.. ألفاظ خليعة, و ساعات قبلات وأحضان الولد الصغير ولا حيفهمها, بس أهم حاجة ايه هيطلع مع أي بنت يجربها, ولما يلاقي البنت مستغربة وترفضه, هيتحرش, كفاية وهو شايف أخوه الكبير علي أول الشارع بيتكلم بألفظ مقززة وبيتحرش باللفظ واليد, هيتعلم منه الحركات السلبية دي

الكلام مش بس علي الولاد وانهم الجنس الفاشل, بالعكس, في بنات كمان هي السبب, هي اللي بتمسك الولد من إيده وهي اللي بتدفعه انه يمارس معاها أي فعل جنسي, زي ما قولنا, ظروف الحياة بالنسبة للولد هي كمان بالنسبة للبنت, تخيل معايا, ودي حقيقة ان كل ولد في مصر له 9 نساء عايشين ؟ أخدت بالك من الرقم ؟ مع العلم ان معظم الولاد مش عارفين يتقدموا او يبنوا نفسهم حتي, تبتدي البنت تكبر في السن وجمالها يروح و لو بنت ناس هتصبر وتسكت, بس لو مش متعلمة, هتبتدي تاخد خطوة انها تحس بأنوثتها بطريقة غلط, هتغري الولد للتحرش

من العادات المصرية في بعض الأسر الفقيرة او معدومة الحال تلاقي البنت لسة مجابتش ال5 سنين ومحجبة ؟ مغطية شعرها ومش فاهمة ليه ؟ يبتدي الكبت عندها انها مش حاسة انها بنت زي بقيت البنات اللي بتشوفها وهي رايحة المدرسة, عايزة تجرب تعيش حياتها, عايزة تقلع الحجاب قدام ولد ويديها كلمة حلوة انها جميلة كدة, وممكن يكون عامل من عوامل التحرش مع تطور العلاقة

من أبشع العوامل للتحرش في بلدنا للولاد والبنات هي الأفلام الإباحية, الموضوع بقي منتشر جداً وكل واحد عايز انترنت في بيته علي جهاز خاص او علي الموبايل وساعات محلات الكمبيوتر في المناطق الفقير تتيح لك الفرصة للمشاهدة عادي من غير أي مشاكل, لما الأفلام دي تشدني للبنات ومش عارف أتجوز, هبتدي أنطلق للحرام خلاص وأم إيدي علي البنات

من أبشع العوامل للتحرش هو ضعف الدين, خلاص مافيش تعاليم دينية بسيطة او وسطية لرقي المجتمع وراحة البال للفرد, مافيش أي اهتمام بمناهج ولا امتحانات الدين ولا حتي مدرسين الدين, لما مدرس العربي بيبقي فاضي بيدخل الحصة يقرأ قرآن وخلاص او بعض الأولاد بتطلبها حصة ألعاب وبينزلوا يلعبوا فعلاً ما الدين مش في المجموع, ومؤخراً الموقف السياسي من الإخوان, أصبح الدين بالنسبة للكثيرين نقمة, لو انت بتصلي في مواعيد الصلاة تبقي إخوان, لبست جلبية في صلاة الجمعة تبقي إخوان, مشغل قرآن في العربية تبقي إخوان, ومن الناحية التانية كل ما تقابل واحد بدقن يبقي كل حاجة عنده حرام .. حرام .. حرام لحد ما توصل لموضوع البنات, خلاص يا شيخنا مكبوت مش قادر, صوت البنت عورة, مش عارف أصلي, يعني ايه ربنا ؟ جسم البنت حرام, السلام باليد حرام .. كله حرام, انا اسف يا مولانا, خلي الحرام ينفعك, هتحرش 

انا كولد فقير شوفت البنت الغنية الحلوة ماشية في الشارع, خلاص مش قادر ولا عمري هطول واحدة زيها, هتحرش

انا كبنت شغالة في بيت سيدي وابنه حلو وعنده عربية وغني, هعرض جسمي عليه بس واحد غني يحسسني بأنوثتي ولو مرة

الكلام في الموضوع دة فعلاً كتير, وأطفال الشوارع في إزدياد من كمية الزنا الرهيبة, 

الكلام اللي فوق مش مبرر ولا للعطف دة مجرد شرح حالة طبيعية, يا ريت الحكومة يكون ليها دورو الشباب, الجمعيات الخيرية وحملات التوعية الجنسية في القري والمناطق الفقيرة, الكلام دة والتحرش مش هيخلص بالأماني, لازم خطوة لازم فعل

وجعلتني تعود علي أمنا الحبيبة, مصر :)

الثلاثاء، 15 أبريل 2014

الحمد لله .. طولياً أم عرضياً ؟

للأسف كلمة الحمد لله الفترة الأخيرة بقت بتتقال في مواضع كتير غير موضعها الأصلي والصحيح وهو شكر الله فعلاً من القلب وقت اللين والشدة, دلوقتي ممكن تلاقي البنت فركشت مع صاحبها تقوم تدخل تكتب الحمد لله وبعدها 3-4 نقاط, مع ملاحظة ان النقاط دي علامة علي التردد, بعد كام يوم من كتابة الحمد لله تبتدي تشد في شعرها وتسرخ وتبات عند نونا صحبتها تشتكي همها وتحكلها عن افار الانتحار من غير حمادة في حياتها ..

الكلمة بقت عادي, ممكن بعد ما الواد يعمل مصيبة وتعدي يحمد ربنا ان ابوه وامه ولا اخدوا بالهم, الحمد لله المراقب مشافوش وهو بيغش, الحمد لله النت موجود نتفرج بقي علي أباحة, الحمد لله .. الحمد لله

سيبك من الكلام اللي فوق خلاص, هنقول ايه ونهاتي في ايه, تعالي ندخل في موضوع ان الناس كلها نوعين فقط مش كتير, واحد بيحمد ربنا بالطول وواحد بيحمد ربنا بالعرض, الكلام مريب ممكن شوية, بس هو تمثيل هندسي نوعا ما للعبادة عشان الناس تفهمني,

هات وورقة وقلم دلوقتي وانت بتقرأ الكلام دة وابتدي اكتب الحاجة اللي انت بتحبها, كام واحدة منهم اللي نفسك فيهم أوي, وبعد كدة اكتب الأساسيات من مأكل ومشرب ومسكن وملبس, اكتب الصحة والعافية والسمع والبصر, اكتب الزعل والمرض والضعف والفشل, اكتب الحلو والمر, اكتب 10 كلمات, 20 كلمة, 30 مثلا, خليهم رقم مقفول, بعد كدة اقسم 100 درجة علي السطور بالتساوي

الورقة:                                        المجموع: 
نتيجة الكلية
إلخ ..

ابتدي بقي يا صديقي تفكر في واحدة واحدة من الحاجات المكتوبة, العربية مثلاً, ممكن تكتب صفر, بس ايه دة, أحمد صاحبك عنده عربية أخر موديل, دة لو مكاني هيكتب ال10 كلهم, 

الصحة, ممكن تكتب 8, ان انت الحمد لله بتبقي تعبان كل فين وفين بس مثلاً ابن خالتك الصغير طول النهار عيان وبيغيب من المدرسة ويوم لما صدرة بيقفل بتبقي مشكلة, كان زمانه كاتب 2 أو 1 كمان

نتيجة الكلية, الحمد لله عندي 22 سنة واتخرجت وغير أكبر مني لسة مكمل مش عارف يتخرج, بس هكتب 9 عشان جبت جيد مش جيد جداً

المال, ياااه علي كمية الحاجات اللي انا نفسي اشتريها ومش عارف, دة انا يا دوبك بشتري لبس أوي الصيف والشتاء وخلاص, والموبايل اللي معايا بقي تعبان أوي ومش عارف أستعمله, ليه كدة يا رب بس ..

تبتدي تمسك حاجة حاجة من دول, الحاجة الحلوة تحمد عليها ربنا أوي انك كويس فيها, أما الحاجت اللي واخدة نتيجة ضعيفة, تبتدي تغضب عند السطر بتاعها وتشخبط ويمكن كمان تتعجب من ربنا وتكون ناقم وتبدأ في مرحلة اشمعني ومش اشمعني, تنسي خالص حمد ربنا عند بعض السطور

بس في فكرة جميلة, بعد ما تخلص ابتدي اجمع الأرقام اللي علي الشمال اللي انت كاتبها بإيدك, وشوف المجموع هيبقي كام من ال100 اللي مكتوبة تحت, ابتدي تخيل أحمد صاحبك أبو عربية أخر موديل, اكتب أرقام تقديرية لو انت كنت مكانه, هتُصدم

المجموع الكلي من 100 متشابه أوي وقريب جدا من بعضه, طيب إزاي !! دة راكب عربية جامدة وأبوه غني أوي, اهه بس أمه اللي يرحمها وأخوه بيتعالج من مرض خبيث

ساعتها فكر تاني, هتفضل تحمد ربنا عند الحلو بس وتنساه عند المر ؟ ولا هتحمد ربنا علي المجموع الكلي اللي يعتبر متوسط ومعقول زي بقيت الناس ؟

إحمد ربنا بطول السطور وليس عرضها, إحمد ربنا وانت واقف علي طولك قبل ما تنام علي عرضك :)

السبت، 22 مارس 2014


الكلام دة مش زي اي مقالة عن الأم ونذكر تاريخ عيد الأم وكان ايه السببب والكلام المعتاد دة بتاع كل سنة, المرة دي كان نفسي أتكلم عن إحساس فعلاً كل سنة بيجيلي بطريقة مختلفة إتجاه امي, حبيت أشاركه يمكن اللي بيفكر نفس تفكيري يفهمني, واللي مش واصل له الكلام أهو يكون معانا

انت كالمعتاد ولد صغيرعنده 5-10 سنين, متعود انك ترجع البيت من المدرسة تلاقي الأكل جاهز وعلي الترابيزة مترتب وانت مجرد معاليك تغسل إيدك وتاكل, لو مرة الأكل اتأخر تبتدي تعلي صوتك إعتراضاً بأنك جعان وإزاي وإزاي

يوم تاني بعد المدرسة يكون عندك تمرين, المفروض أمك تكون مجهزة الأكل زي ما قلنا لا وكمان لابسة وجاهزة عشان الكابتن يبهدلك علي التأخير, بمعاملة جافة أوي كل التفكير من ناحية المدرب بس,

الهدوم مغسولة ومكوية ومترتبة في دولابك, وانت عيان شوف مين بيقضي اليوم كله جانبك ويعملك كمادات والذي منه, مين اللي بيذاكرلك عشان تفلح, مين اللي بيجي المدرسة بعد كل امتحان يطمن عليك

مين اللي بيفضل ملطوع بعد المدرسة ووقت التمرين وبعد الدرس وانت خارج مستنيك لحد ما تخلص عشان يروحك بدل ما تركب تاكسي لوحدك وانت صغير, مين اللي بيدافع عنك لو سيرتكجت بطريقة وحشة قدام الناس,

الأيام عمالة تمر وانت بتكبر وبقيت شاب في ال20, في اللي لسة هيعامل أمه بالطريقة المعتادة, التوبيخ والزعيق والصريخ عند التأخير, قي اللي هيفكر ألف مرة قبل ما يتكلم, بقي أمك كل السنين دي عمالة تجهزلك في الأكل وتغسل وتنضف وتظبط دة ودة,

في أيام لما تلاقيها مش عاملة أكل هتضحك معاها وتعاكسها انها عجزت,, بعد بكام سنة, هتشتري أكل من برة عشان تاكل انت وهي, لما الوقت يمر شوية انت بنفسك تحضر الأكل ولا تخليها تقوم, لحد ما في رجالة وصلت لمرحلة انه بيدخل البيت يبوس إيد امه ومش بيطلب منها أي حاجة, هو اللي بيطبخ ويعمل ويخلي ويسوي, كفاية عنده انها قاعدة معاه في حضنه مش مهم تعمل أي حاجة,

الرجالة دي نادرة أوي اليومين دول, خليك انت واحد منهم, خلاص احنا كبرنا وكتير ادلعنا علي أهالينا ولعبنا وصرخنا ورحنا وجينا, شيل أمك فوق كتافك أوي تسيبها لوحدها أبداًو مش لازم كل يوم تخرج, ممكن علي الأقل كل يومين تقضي بقيت اليوم بعد الشغل أو الكلية في البيت تتفرج معاها علي فيلم, تاكلوا حاجة حلوة سوي, تفسحا وشربها عصير أو أي حاجة المهم يكون ليها اعتبار, خليها مبسوطة ومتسلية كدة علي طول, مش عشان انت مبرت وبقيت جسم وحجم وخلاص معتمد علي نفسك يبقي تنسي مين اللي كان بيوصل وبيجيب,

مش ل الأمهات عملت كدة, ومش كل الأمهات عملت كل حاجة من الكلام اللي فوق, في أمهات عملت كل اللي فوق, كل بيت علي حسب ظروفه وطريقته وهكذا, المهم يبقي عندك نظرة تانية

أنت بتكير كل يوم كتر من اليوم اللي قابله, بس مافيش حاجة ثابتة, أمك كمان بتكبر :) شيلها فوق راسك بدل ما تيجي يوم وتندم وتقول يا ريتني,

انك تشيلها فوق راسك مش شرط انك تعاملها حلو بس أو تساعدها, ذاكر كويس, انجح وجيب تقدير عشان يوم تخرجك بمجمع كويس هي أول شخص هيجري عليك يحضنك, اشتغل حتي لو أي حاجة, هي أول شخص هيشجعك حتي لو الشغل مش قد كدة, بس علي الأقل خليها يا أخي تحس انها مطمنة وانها عملت اللي عليها في الدنيا دي, متكونش انت أملها وبعد كل دة تحطمها وتخليها تخرج من الدنيا زعلانة ومش راضية عن نفسها,

في منا اللي فقد أمه من قريب أو من بعيد, في اللي أمه في بلد تانية, في اللي أمه خلاص قاعدة في السرير ومش قادرة تتحرك,

كل الأمهات دي في بالي, وكل أولادهم الرجالة بردو في بالي, والرسالة ليكو, أمك معاك حتي يوم مماتك مهما كان وجدها فين :) انت جزء منها ولحمها, مهما عملت ي حاسة بيك, كمل علي الطريق الصح أوعي تخزلها,

في نهاية الكلام, يا ريت نفكر ألف مرة قبل ما ترتكب أي فعل أحمق تجاه أمك, وأتمني لكل الأمهات وأمي أجمل الأيام, والسنين, مش عيد الأم بس